Friday, October 28, 2011

Richard Gordon

"Michelle is a sincere heart felt person who brings love and wisdom to the world." - Founder of Quantum Touch, Richard Gordon

Richard Gordon is a visionary and pioneer in the field of energy healing with over 35 years of experience that spans 50 countries across the globe.   By linking breathing, body awareness and love, life-force energy can be amplified so profoundly that the limits of what's possible in the realm of healing may never be known.

As founder of the Quantum-Touch organization, Richard has traveled internationally bringing his gifts to medical centers, conferences, and chiropractic colleges.  His organization currently supports over 500 certified instructors around the world.

Richard's spiritual path began with many events taking place over time including an illness that led him to a holistic health school where he quickly learned reality wasn’t what he perceived. A man named Robert Rasmusson came into his world and told him “a tall tale about how a bow legged child’s bones were easily healed.”

Though Richard was skeptical at first and had a hard time believing anything this man said, Robert began working on one of his friends who suffered from major scoliosis, and as Richard watched his friend’s structure literally change before his eyes, a huge paradigm shift took place as he wondered if this type of healing was just a rare gift or if anyone could learn it.

Richard now carries on Robert’s work, taking it to a whole new level with long-distance healings and level II healings that have proven that consciousness indeed affects matter as energy follows thought and life force energy goes wherever one’s attention gets directed.

Richard Gordon helps show others how to feel body awareness, and once the techniques of Quantum Touch are learned, it will be your gift for a lifetime. 

© 2011 Soul-Felt Words, Inc.

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